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Ways To Protect Your Customers And Business From COVID-19

A person wearing a mask holds an "Open" sign that says, "Come in, we're open," demonstrating their commitment to protecting customers during COVID-19.

Whether you run a mall, restaurant, or retail store, one thing is for sure, people won’t be ready to shop your business, until they feel confident that it’s safe. Right now, returning to public activities is unnerving for many people. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to help reassure your customers and staff that you’re taking the preventive steps against COVID-19.


Make sure your business is following protocols outlined by officials to help prevent the spread of the virus. Below are links to local COVID-19 guidance.

Washington’s Business Guidelines
Multnomah County Guidelines

Reconfigure your business, considering a more open floor plan or designated spaces, fit with signs or floor markings to ensure social distancing.


If your business has been closed for more than a week, you should have your internal plumbing and service lines flushed before anyone returns. Water quality can change when it hasn’t been used regularly as chlorine residual levels. Additionally, p-traps can get dried out and release airborne pathogens. So flush every toilet, run every tap, and cycle every appliance to “turn over” any unused water, allowing clean, fresh water to flow through your plumbing system.

Now might be a good time to consider getting a plumbing inspection and having your drains cleaned. Pacific Plumbing and Drain can come into your space prior to reopening and provide suggestions on any sort of repairs or optimizations you may need to keep your staff and customers safe.


If you’re in the food-service industry and use grease traps, you’ll want to have them properly drained and cleaned out. Grease will not only release unpleasant odors but it can also attract unwanted pests. Most restaurants during the pandemic haven’t been able to work at full capacity. Without regular use, grease traps are more prone to clog if they have been sitting.


Whether your bathroom is open to the public or just to staff, you may want to consider installing touchless faucets and toilets at your business. A recent study by Bradley Corporation found, 91% of Americans believe it’s important that public restrooms have touchless plumbing fixtures. Furthermore, those surveyed also said their most-desired upgrade for businesses was that they maintain their restrooms and keep them well-stocked.

Drinking fountains are also risk factors when it comes to spreading germs, many businesses are closing off drinking fountains all together. Consider installing a water bottle dispenser, so your staff and customers can have access to drinking water, but with reduced risk.

As you prepare to reopen, we want you to know Pacific Plumbing and Drain is here for you. We provide a wide range of commercial plumbing services, from touchless plumbing installations to plumbing inspections and we’re staying extremely safe to keep our customers and staff protected.

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