Everything You Need To Know About The Sewer Connection Incentive Program (SCIP)
Everything You Need To Know About The Sewer Connection Incentive Program (SCIP)
How the Sewer Connection Incentive Program Can Save You Money
Approximately 1 in 4 homes in the United States have an in-ground septic system instead of being hooked up to public sewer systems. This is usually due to the remote nature of the home and the lack of public sewer infrastructure when the home was built. While in-ground septic systems were the best choice when the home was built, they are not always the best choice for the environment. When septic systems age and begin to fail, they can slowly contaminate local groundwater and create environmental hazards for the local ecosystem.
As the City of Vancouver continues to expand, many homeowners may not realize that they will soon have the ability to ditch their septic system and tie their homes into the public sewer system. Through the Sewer Connection Incentive Program, homeowners in certain planned areas of the city can get rid of their septic systems and connect to the city’s new sewer lines.
The City of Vancouver has created the Sewer Connection Incentive Program to improve and preserve the integrity of urban water sources. The city is expanding its sewer network in an effort to encourage many homeowners to utilize new public sewer lines instead of older failing septic systems.
Vancouver’s Sewer Connection Incentive Program helps current residents connect to new city sewer lines by providing low interest financing to those who choose to hook up to public sewer lines as well as providing payment deferral programs to economically disadvantaged individuals. While the city will lay the new sewer lines, homeowners will have to hire a local, experienced plumber, like those with Pacific Plumbing and Drain Services, to connect their home to the new lines.
There are currently 6 areas of Vancouver that are either under construction or planned for public sewer expansion, with plans to expand the program further. Homeowners in the planned areas should receive a notification in the mail about planned projects. To see if you are located in one of the planned Sewer Connection Incentive Program areas click here.
There are many benefits to decommissioning your old septic system and connecting to the city’s sewer lines using the Sewer Connection Incentive Program. Some of the benefits include:
- Less maintenance: As any homeowner with a septic system knows, septic system maintenance and pumping can be a pain. Once you are tied into the public sewer system the city is responsible for the system maintenance.
- Low interest financing: If you choose to hook up to the public sewer through the Sewer Connection Incentive Program, the city of Vancouver will provide low interest financing spread out over 20 years to lessen the financial burden. The city will also provide payment deferral to those who are economically disadvantaged.
- Environmentally friendly: As septic systems age and begin to fail, they can contaminate groundwater sources, creating health hazards for the local population and wildlife. Additionally, traditional septic systems are not equipped to handle and divert large amounts of rain or flooding like the public sewer system.
- Safe and reliable: The public sewer system is maintained by a large team of professionals to ensure waste is being moved and disposed of properly. When using the public sewer line, homeowners do not need to worry about their waste disposal.
While it is not currently a requirement to utilize the Sewer Connection Incentive Program unless your septic tank is failing, you can spare yourself the inconvenience and expenses associated with septic tank maintenance, avert potential septic problems and protect the area’s water supply by making the switch to public sewer.
As the city expands the public sewer lines, homeowners will need an experienced plumber to connect their home to the new sewer lines and decommission the existing septic system; therefore it is important to choose an professional plumber that specializes in both public sewer hookups and septic systems. Pacific Plumbing and Drain. Our plumbers have experience working with SCIP and will make the switch from septic to public sewer as quick and easy as possible!
If you would like more information on Vancouver’s Sewer Connection Incentive Program or are ready to make the switch to the public sewer line, contact us today!